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Enter your name and email below to reserve your seat for the Art of Holding Space event:


Sharing circles are radical ... there is no one at the top, we all share & transform, equally witnessing & holding each other compassionately without judgment”

Do you feel a desire to hold space for others?

Have you ever wanted to hold your own women’s circles, but you are not sure how to do it right?

If you ask yourself these questions:

  • How to hold space in the face of conflict? 

  • How to hold space if trauma comes up?

  • How to create safe & Sacred spaces for deep transformation?

Holding space is a powerful skill that can transform the lives of yourself and others. The healing radiates in all directions, affecting all those who are present. 

We need more of this energy in our world and we want to help women like you to hold space powerfully and effectively. 

What is The Art Of Holding Space 

We are a  group of women, graduates from the program Radiance led by Layla El Khadri, who gathered to step into Leadership and building our life and business the Feminine way. 

As we got together online week after week, we got to know each other and share deeply. We saw our lives transform by the potency of the container of Radiance and the sisterhood created. 

 We realized how much women like us, would benefit from this kind of nurturing, supportive, and transformative circle.

On June 29th and 30th, join us for an incredible FREE event, co-created for women by women on how to create space for ourselves and others.


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The Beautiful Art of Holding Space

Layla El Khadri is a Feminine Leadership Expert, highly acclaimed by colleagues & clients worldwide. She is a women's mentor who's devoted her life to guiding women to live life to their fullest potential and build their own empires (the feminine way). For the past 10 years, Layla has worked with thousands of women worldwide. Guiding them through applying ancient wisdom and cutting-edge research to reconnect their Mind, Body & Soul. Bringing back alignment, self-confidence, and expansion of their ability to show up to their lives, relationships, and careers.

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Creating Trauma-Informed Safety as a Facilitator

Maanee Chrystal is a trauma-informed somatic psychotherapist, dance therapist,  the founder of the Somatic Erotic Educator Training & the Shadow Side Of The Feminine Global Summit. 

At the core of her work, Maanee is deeply inspired by Feminine Gnosis, the shadow ( the hidden) & nervous system health, which sits as the basis of her activism for women's body sovereignty & the reclamation of our wholeness.


Embodied Facilitation

Mana Mei is an international feminine embodiment facilitator, sacred embodied ritual space creator, and muse of all things dance and movement. Her mission and passion on this Earth walk is to create experiences where women can come together in transformation and growth through the feminine arts. For women to find safety in sisterhood, and permission through collective support to be their most radiant and fully expressed badass creatrix selves.


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Oumayma Rose

She guides women to embodied transformation. A mystic and a lover. A self-fulfilling prophecy: creation turning creatrix.


Chelsae Zirna

The founder of Chrysalis, a personal transformation company that hosts online festivals, mastermind programs, and spaces for vulnerable authentic expression.


Mary-Ann Illing

She is the founder of the MAI Collective and a spiritual facilitator that empower women to heal themselves through self acceptance.


Tania Pownall

Manifestation Coach helping women heal and unlock their gifts so that they can live an abundant life deeply sourced from purpose.


June 29th  (2 hours)

7pm Singapore / 7am NY / 12pm London :
Session with Layla El Khadri, The Beautiful Art of Holding Space 

8pm Singapore / 8am NY / 1pm London:
Session with Maanee Chrystal, Creating Trauma-Informed Safety as a Facilitator


June 30th (2.5 hours)

7pm Singapore / 7am NY / 12pm London:
Session with Mana Mei, Embodied Facilitation

8pm Singapore / 8am NY / 1pm London:
Round table on holding space tips presented by Layla and moderated by Chelsea Zirna, Mary-Ann Illing, Oumayma Rose and Tania Pownall.


The event is free and we want to support empowering women all over the world. We will be inviting donations to support our charity of choice, Abury Foundation.

If you would like to do a contribution to the ABURY Foundation please use this link to support a 2-year female entrepreneurship program in Morocco:

Enter your name and email below to reserve your seat for the Art of Holding Space event: