Unleash Your Potential to Live Your Dream Life

Become The Creator

Reclaim Your Sovereignty - The Journey from Victimhood to Freedom

Mind: Inner Dialogue

Discover your limiting beliefs and reprogram a new creative mindset.
Activate your creativity using your new mental resources and belief system.

Mindset is a set of beliefs that we accept as truth and that run our lives as subconscious programming. Since these beliefs are conditioned within us from birth by others, most of them were not chosen intentionally – and are no longer serving us to create the life we desire.

Becoming intentional about the life we want to lead means we need to go deep into this subconscious programming to identify these limiting beliefs and rewire them intentionally to shape our true worldview. This allows us to make the post of our mental resources and unleash our highest creative potential.

Together we’ll uncover and redefine:

  • Limiting beliefs - Uncover your deepest fears and triggers, based on beliefs that are no longer serving your highest potential. 

  • Values - Develop a set of values to live by, so you can live in true integrity

  • Agreements - Develop a set of non-negotiable agreements that become a guiding force in the creation of your new life.

Body: Inner Power

Discover your sexual power and wisdom within your body
Activate your sexual magnetism by harnessing your sexual energy

Our bodies are the source of power, magnetism and wisdom. Yet throughout history, the female body has been targeted and our sexuality suppressed. In the process, the most powerful wisdom had been lost.

Learn to use your menstrual cycle and hormone shifts to map your life and the best times for inspiration, action and rest. 

We will dive deep in the correlation between female sexuality and female consciousness and learn the techniques that will help you harness your sexual energy to create irresistible magnetism.

Together we’ll uncover and redefine:

  • Natural Rhythm – Menstrual cycle and the innate wisdom of the body. 

  • Sensuality – Its direct effect in female consciousness and mind states. 

  • Sexuality - Harnessing sexual energy in self pleasure & intercourse.

Emotion: Inner Wisdom

Discover your emotional triggers and strengths. 
Activate your emotional intelligence and master your navigation system.

Your emotions are the best ally and guide to create the life you dream. They are based on how we feel that we can take action with more or less power. However we never get taught emotional management so we end up being a victim of our emotions.

Learn the way emotions work and how to shift your emotional state at will through a series of powerful practices.  Move from Victimhood to Mastery, leaving behind burn out and stepping into a creator mentality.

Together we’ll uncover and redefine:

  • Integrity - How to maintain alignment between how you feel, what you think and how you act. 

  • Navigating emotions - Understand the journey to move from sadness to happiness or from anger to compassion.

  • Power posing - A scientifically researched field that brings us the opportunity to shift our emotional states.

  • Flow state - Understand the psychology of peak performance. 

Spirit: Inner Guidance

Discover your innate wisdom & direct connection with spirituality.
Activate your intuitive inner-guidance.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. It's time we reclaim our connection with the metaphysical world and learn to access it on our own. 

This part of the training will help you develop your own spiritual sovereignty, awaken your intuition and create a daily practice of meditation and breath-work that grounds your spiritual practice.

Together we’ll uncover and redefine:

  • Intuition - Read the energy, and know how to interpret it. 

  • Meditation - Create inner silence to listen to the inner voice of guidance 

  • Empathy - Connect with your heart center and activate the powerful field of compassion.